This is another of those gray areas in photography.
With the proliferation of digital cameras and better and more powerful processing software, the definition of photography is changing. Everyone has it’s own view of what is acceptable or not in digital photography processing.
Should photos be processed at all, or is it ok to process them in any way possible to better represent the view of the photographer? Can it still be called photography?
Since we are going to address this issue on the next episode of PhotoNetCast, we’d like to have your input. Please vote in the poll bellow or in our sidebar.
[poll id="3"]
If you’d like to further expand your thoughts on the subject, or none of the options really represents your opinion, please feel free to use the comments section. Your views are appreciated.
We are going to record in about one week’s time, so if you want your comment discussed in the show, you’ll have to participate as soon as possible.
And if you like the show, don’t forget to help us spread the word. Thanks.