Cameras in the mouth of lions… and other stories
Joining us on this episode we have once again William Burrard-Lucas, co-inventor of the BeetleCam. Although we didn’t spend much time on BeetleCam, I could not pass the opportunity to at least ask for a small introduction and letting you guys know about the first field experience of the "little buddy".
Never heard of BeetleCam? Take a look at the teaser video.
BeetleCam Project Teaser from Will & Matt Burrard-Lucas
And here’s an example of what BeetleCam can do. Pretty amazing.
We also discuss the latest copyright issues coming out of Corbis and how this affects photographers represented by that agency.
After a short dip into film chemicals (pun intended, but not funny) we progressed to newer technologies and talk about the iPad and its uses for photographers. Still with Apple, we approach the potential problem that thousands of photographers will have with their flash websites not loading on the iPad. Time for a re-design? Let us know what you think.
Our photography assignments are progressing and following the first topic (we’ll publish the results in the next days) here comes the second one: Landscapes in Black & White. Go out, enjoy the spring time and photograph some beautiful B&W landscapes or go through your library and find what you have. Submit your entries to the PhotoNetCast Flickr group. To help us distinguish submissions for this assignment from regular submissions, please tag your photos with "PNC46".
Enjoy the show…

Photo and video Copyright Burrard-Lucas. Used with permission.
Show Notes
- Will & Matt BeetleCam project
- Copyright issues and Corbis’ bulk registration of photos
- New Sony NEX family
- HTML5 photo editor
- Steve Jobs’ "Thoughts on Flash" open letter