Has it really been 8 months? Surely not? Just when you thought we had disappeared for good, we’re back. Job changes, house moves and family crises, but now it’s time

We’re Back!
Has it really been 8 months? Surely not?
Just when you thought we had disappeared for good, we’re back. Job changes, house moves and family crises are (hopefully) behind us all so we’re hoping that we can now get back to something like a regular podcasting schedule. Keep your fingers crossed and keep watching!
In this episode, Antonio is joined by Dave and Sean for a general natter about some recent news topics and to answer listener questions.
During news discussion, Dave enthuses about the new Nikon D810, a camera that finally hits the function and price sweet spots for D700 owners looking to upgrade, we consider the value of photography in the light of a couple of news stories from ImageBrief and South African photographer Greg Lumley, consider Flickr’s newly-announced photo licensing marketplace and get confused about how Sony will manufacture their new curved sensor.
On a more light-hearted note, we take a quick look at some imaginative on-the-job engagement photos from a Chinese SWAT officer and note that DXO Film Pack 3 software is available free until August 15th.
Enjoy the show…
Questions from Listeners
- Lee vs. B&W 10 stop ND filters? Although we like both of these options, the consensus was that the Lee system, though more expensive, is easier to use.
- Web sites to support client proof galleries and offer print purchases? Several suggestions were offered with the two most popular in the host’s opinion being
- What resolution of file is needed to print at a given size? This question resulted in lengthy discussion of the variables involved in figuring out the answer. There’s more to it than just the paper and printer with viewing distance also playing into the equation.
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