Tom Hogarty on Lightroom 4
As we announced Tom Hogarty, principal product manager for Adobe Lightroom, joins us on the podcast to tell us all about Lightroom 4. He was with us before, and after more than 3 years it was time to get back and tell us what has changed, and masterfully managing to avoid answering questions on what is coming in the future for Lightroom .
We discussed what’s new, the processing magic behind LR4 – PV2012, the new GPS and book modules, Adobe Revel, synchronization of catalogues, the surprising price drop, some complaints from users, and a lot more.
It was a great conversation, and if you enjoy using Lightroom 4, or if you are thinking about trying, I’m sure you’ll enjoy listening to it.
So, a big thanks to Tom for taking the time to join us and Lauren (PR from Adobe) for the help setting it up.
Lightroom 4 giveaway
And if you don’t have Lightroom yet (or if you want another copy with the box and all), here is your chance. We are giving a boxed copy of Lightroom 4 to one of our listeners, courtesy of Adobe.
All you have to do is drop us a comment on this post and tell us what is your favourite feature of Lightroom 4, or what you would like to see included on the next version. We’ll randomly select a winner from the comments we get.
And don’t forget to let us know what you think of this episode, and the show, and give us your suggestions for new topics or people you’d like us to interview.
For now, enjoy the show…
Here is the audio version, at the bottom you can find the video of the recording (not edited)

Show Notes
- Fujifilm discontinues two professional films
- New features on Lightroom 4
- DNG format
- Photo Smith
- Adobe DNG editor for infrared images