PhotoNetCast #88 – The Ultimate Filter Show

This photography podcast episode is dedicated to filters. We go into an extended discussion on the different types of filters and their uses in photography.

Everything in the interwebs these days seems to be “Mega this…”, “Hyper that…”. This episode is about filters, so…

The Ultimate Filter Show


I had the pleasure of having both Scott Wyden and Richard Wong as guests on this episode to help me in the filter discussion.

Before filters, we had a look at some recent news:

Eyes Wide Open: 100 years of Leica (Oct 24 – Jan 11; Deichtor Hallen)

natural History museum Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014

Henri Cartier-Bresson’s Decisive Moment to be reprinted

2013 Conviction at Zion National Park Serves as Reminder

And then to Filters… Here’s a short list of the filters we discussed.

What is a filter?
Attachment types
Filter types
Color balance
Neutral Density
Graduated neutral Density
        Hard Edge
Soft Edge
Reverse GND
Color Graduated Density Filters
B&W filters
    Hot Mirror filters
Infrared filters
    Diffusion / Softening filters


Can’t really get much more comprehensive than this.

Enjoy the show…



We still had time for our listener questions and, as usual, our Selected from the Web

PhotoNetCast #78 – Photoblogging

Dave Wilson takes the lead of the panel on this one to discuss the ins and outs of photoblogging.

Ins and Outs of Photoblogging


And here we are again (photography podcast anyone?), this time to discuss all about photoblogging. Dave Wilson takes the hosting job on this one, and together with Bob Lussier, Jacob Lucas and Scott Wyden Kivowitz go into detail on the practice of keeping a blog dedicated to visual imagery. We last talked about photoblogging on episode 58. Most of that episode was about the benefits of a blog and self-hosting. This time, the panel discusses various platforms that people can use and the actual practice of photoblogging.

There was still time for a couple of listener questions (when Antonio is not around the panel actually manages to answer these in a timely manner), and the regular selected from the web.

Until the next one, enjoy the show…



Show Notes


Selected from the Web

PhotoNetCast #76 – Common steps in image processing

We take a look at some of the basic properties you should pay attention to when starting processing the images.

The first steps after importing into your DAM software


Even in cases where you are not really intending to so serious post-processing on images, there are a few image properties that you will always have to check after import and will often have to modify slightly. In this show, we discuss those steps, describe what each of us does and mention a few tools that can help both during shooting (to minimise the need for any later adjustment) and during post processing. New Jersey photographer Scott Wyden joins us to give a helping hand to the discussion.

Such things like Exposure, White Balance (here’s a good explanation for white balance), some Colour tweaks, Noise reduction and Sharpening are all discussed with some explanation on why we do these adjustments.

On the news, we discuss IKEA slowly shedding photography for computer generated images, Kodak set to quit film and photo paper business, the imminent release of the Nikon D600 and the Super-Ultra-Mega new standard for video, the Hi-Vision 8K (is 7680×4320 pixels enough?).

As always, any feedback is appreciated, and if you have any questions for us to answer on the show, go ahead and send them our way.

To keep up to date with all the news from your photography podcast (and receive notifications for the live recordings), follow us on Google plus.

Enjoy the show…



Selected from the Web