Listener Poll: What’s your level in Photography?

We would like to know a little more about our listeners. What is your level in Photography?

Here at PhotoNetCast we have been amazed at how good and welcome our show has been received. It’s extremely satisfying and motivating for us, and keeps us on track to bring you the show on time and with useful content.

But we would like to know a little more about the person on the other side of the line (you).

And so, we have the first PhotoNetCast listener poll up and waiting for your votes.

What is your level in Photography?

Are you a professional photographer? Maybe a serious hobbyist? Or are you just starting with photography?

The answers will provide us with some information and help us decide on what kind of discussions we’ll get you on the next episodes, as well as what kind of listener projects we can come up with for you to participate in.

So, please use the form bellow or on the sidebar to tell us a bit more about your level in photography…

We thank you for your effort.

[poll id=”2″]


P.S.: PhotoNetCast #4 is in the bag and it will be released on Monday, May 26. Great show this one, so don’t forget to come back and listen to it or subscribe to our feed so you get it as soon as it is out.

PhotoNetCast #3

Blogging & Photography and Organizing your Photos. These are the topics covered on this episode of PhotoNetCast.

Blogging & Photography and Organizing your Photos

These are the topics that we cover in the third episode of PhotoNetCast.

We hope that you didn’t suffer much waiting for your next dose of audio photography, and here it is.

First of all we’d like to thank all of you who gave us a huge dose of motivation by listening to the show. It was a great feeling to see the downloads numbers going up and the comments pouring in. It’s really appreciated.

There is that little thing with the show length. We promised that we would make them shorter (and we did) but we still are not sure if the show is still too long. Any comments on that are very much welcome.

Also, as you’ll listen, we got going with the photo organization topic and we had to stop just on the backup phase. It’s a huge topic by itself and we want to cover it on #4. But we’d also like to have your participation: what are the best ways to keep your photo safe, your workflow ideas, etc. So, the ball is on your field now. Tell us what you think and besides the comments and the contact form, why not grab your phone and really "tell" us what you think. This goes for any other topic you’d like to see discussed as well.

Enjoy the show…


Show Notes

Blogging & Photography

We share our experience on both fields and discuss the importance of blogging and being involved in the scene on the learning curve of photography.


Organizing your Photos

It can be a nightmare if suddenly you notice that you have tens of thousands of photos and they aren’t that useful since it takes you hours to find the one you want. Better sooner than later is to find an organization system that works for you, whether using photo management software of any other process. We discuss our systems and how they have been working for us. And then we drift and end up taking about prints… the beauty of conversation.


Selected from the Web


PhotoNetCast #2

Topics for this show: Photographers or terrorists, Video on Flickr and Protecting your online images from theft


Topics for this show:

  • Photographers or terrorists…

  • Video on Flickr

  • Protecting your online images from theft

And the second one is now here.

If you want to give us some feedback, go ahead, drop us a comment bellow or leave us a voice message. We appreciate it.

And enjoy…


Show Notes:

Photographers or terrorists

Once in a while we hear stories of photographers and authorities clashing on security-related issues. A case of mistaken identity perhaps…

We discuss this issue and share our stories with you.


Video on Flickr

Is it a good or bad thing? Will it remove the focus from photography? Listen to what we have to say.


Protecting your online images from theft

It’s also a recurring topic the fact that images published online sometimes are used for very different purposes than intended and without author knowledge or compensation.

But some things can be done to, if not prevent it completely, at least minimize it.
