PhotoNetCast #66 – Composition, Focus, Eye-Fi, High Key, Tripods and more

We answer listener questions: Eye-Fi cards, focus and focus points, high key photography, filters, tripods and heads, golden ration and composition, etc.

Listener Questions


We have dedicated this episode to clear the backlog of listeners’ questions we have been accumulating.

Lot’s of useful and insightful discussion:

  • We talk about Eye-Fi cards and their advantages and disadvantages;
  • we try to explain the golden ratio, not an easy thing to do on and audio show;
  • golden_ratio_spiral_composition
  • We discuss points of focus and problems that might arise from the “focus and re-compose” technique;
  • We lift the veil on high key photography;
  • Filter holders vs screw filters;
  • Medium format in landscape photography
  • Flash fall off

Want to send your questions to the show? photonetcast _(at)_

In the news, we mention the closing of Picnik, the photo editing engine used by Flickr – it seems that Flickr is getting a major revamping, let’s see what’s going to be new as editing tool. We’ve also discussed the new Nikon D800 and tried to foresee if the optical viewfinder is going to be around for a few years more or not.



Questions of comments? Drop them below the post.

And don’t forget to connect with us on Google+, Twitter and FB.

Show Notes


A few links mentioned on the show

Selected from the Web

What a full show… and just to finish it even better…

PhotoNetCast #58 – Advantages and Disadvantages of hosting your own photoblog

Is hosting your own photoblog a good idea? In this episode we take a look at a few advantages and disadvantages.

While editing the last episode, I decided to split the conversation in two so that we wouldn’t end up with an episode far too long.

This episode is the second part of that conversation, and we discuss the good and the bad of hosting your own photoblog, as opposed using third-party services.image

As in episode 57, you’ll be hearing me (Antonio Marques), Dave Wilson, Sean Galbraith and our two guests Brian Matiash and Bob Lussier.

Also, if you have a few seconds, head on to our latest poll and help us figure out how the photography podcasting market has evolved since we started publishing.

Enjoy the show…



Show notes


Selected from the Web

PhotoNetCast #57 – TwitPic and Getty: not agreeable agreements

TwitPic changes Terms of Service, Getty changes contract to contributors. Who loses with all this? The photog.

Episode 57 of your favourite photography podcast is here.

On this one, besides the now regulars Sean and Dave, we were joined by Brian Matiash and Bob Lussier. Thanks to everyone for joining.

Lots of discussion and exchange of ideas going on, namely on the latest TwitPic Terms of Service “blunders”. Does TwitPic really want to make money from users’ photos?image While sustaining a service like TwitPic through advertising alone is almost impossible, having ambiguous terms of service does not give assurance to users and can result in mass exodus.

Mass exodus is what Getty Images might be facing soon from its contributors. Recently, Getty sent a new contract agreement to imagecontributors with, amongst other changes, prevents them from having their images included in subscription packages and, probably more damaging, requires that images in Rights Managed licencing not sold for more than 3 years be placed under Royalty-Free. Will a new or existing player in the market come up with more amenable terms for photographers and be able to compete with the Getty giant? PhotoNetCast Images was suggested Smile

The discussion was going long and I’ve decided to break the conversation into two episodes. Over 110 minutes seemed a bit too much. So, join us also on PhotoNetCast #58. The video version, if you ever decide to watch it, will come with #58.

As always, your comments and feedback are very much appreciated.

For now, enjoy the show…



Show Notes


TwitPic ToS

TwitPic competitors ToS Pages

Getty’s new contributor contract