PhotoNetCast #35 – Street Photography pt. II: Joseph Szymanski

We continue our discussion on Street Photography with a special guest, Joseph Szymanski.

Street Photography pt. II: Joseph Szymanski


As we mentioned in our last episode, we continue our discussions on Street Photography. To help us, we had the pleasure of having with us Joseph Szymanski. Joe is a San Francisco based street photographer with a background in arts with focus on documentary photography.

In our conversation we discuss Joe’s unconventional choice of equipment (at least for the "digital standards"), the state of the business for street fine-art photography, and much more.

We hope you enjoy PhotoNetCast 35 and, as always, we appreciate any feedback you send our way. Also, if you have any questions regarding the topic, we’ll make sure to pass them on to Joe.




Show Notes


Selected From the Web

PhotoNetCast #22 – Defining your photography goals

In this episode we approach the subject of defining goals for your photography and discuss the importance of this step for success.


Defining goals for your photography

In an episode that probably steered a little away from the originally intended, we approach the science of setting photographic goals. In a path that can be frustrating for anyone, knowing how to plan your photographic career, whether on a professional or enthusiast level, can be one of the main time and personal investments you’ll ever do. But remember, keeping the fun in what you do should probably be always your main photographic goal. If we managed to provide some help, then our own goal with this episode has been achieved.



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Show Notes

Intro and News

Goal Setting in Photography

Selected from the Web

Poll: Flickr/Getty Images – Would you accept the invitation?




The second round of invitations to Flickr users to participate in the Flickr Collection at Getty Images started earlier today. As usual with something like this, the buzz around the interwebs is immense, and heated opinions are popping out everywhere. Some Flickr users are more than excited about accepting the invitations to submit their images while others are more reluctant.

On our side here at PhotoNetCast, Jim already publically announced that he’s passing on the invite.

And what about you? Did you get an invite? If so, will you take the opportunity or not?

That’s our next poll…


  • Will you accept the Flickr/Getty Images invitation?
    View Results


    If you want to expand your answer, feel free to use the comments section.