Co-Hosts Wanted

PhotoNetCast is looking for co-hosts. Want to join the podcasting team? Apply within…


When we started the show back in 2008, our aim was to bring to the photographic community relevant discussions and sharing some of our knowledge and opinions.

Our aim has definitely not changed, but our lives have to be given also some priority, and if you have been following us, you’ve probably noticed that it has been increasingly difficult to manage to get all the four of us in one recording session. And that is where the true value of PhotoNetCast stands – there are good "one-man-shows" out there – but the roundtable format was/is/will be always our approach for an engaging discussion.

What we need

We believe in maximizing diversity of opinions while giving enough room for people to share them, and for us (and hopefully for you too) this lies with having 3 or 4 co-hosts per show.

At the moment, if two of us are unable to join in on a scheduled recording, we fall behind our "sweet spot" and usually tend to re-schedule, which usually means delays in publishing the shows, and that is something we’d certainly like to avoid.

So, after a brief discussion, we plan to expand the PhotoNetCast team and find two additional co-hosts. This will hopefully allow us to keep to a periodic recording and publishing schedule, and everyone involved to be able to better define their own schedules without having to juggle too many time blocks around.

Want to join the PhotoNetCast team?

What we require

Not much. You don’t need to be a professional photographer (although you’re welcome if you are), but you need to have an active and opinionated interest in photography and willingness to share those opinions.

Besides that, other requirements are (some more negotiable than others):

– Headphones / microphone / headset (you don’t need a pro mike, but something that does not terribly distort your voice is appreciated)

– Good internet connection (since we use VoIP technology to record, a connection that allows you to be heard without many cut-offs – this can be tested)

– Willingness to spend around 2 hours every 2 weeks talking about photography (depending on the number of additional co-hosts, your presence in every recording might not be required although you’re always welcome to join)

– Compatible time zone (if you live in the US this would probably be evenings, or very early mornings if you’re based in Europe, afternoon in Australia, … , you get the point and it’s open for discussion)

– Did we mention willingness to talk about photography?


How to apply

Just send us an email to photonetcast (a) (or use the contact form) stating your interest, why you’d like to join us and what you bring to the show, and what is your experience with photography. Address also the points above so that we know what we can count on. That’s it. No visit to an assessment center required.

We hope that you consider the offer to join the team and help us make PhotoNetCast always better.

And don’t worry, it was also intimidating for us in the beginning, but we are a friendly bunch and we’ll make you feel welcome in no time.