Lately, we have been getting a higher number of questions and comments on the show, mainly via email or contact form. We truly appreciate the time you guys take in letting us know what you think of the show, and welcome you to continue doing so. However, when you get in touch via email, the most that we can do is read those questions or comments on the show, and since PhotoNetCast is an audio show, why not let your voice be heard?
Voice comments are back online
A new system is in place for you to be able to do just that: ask us your photography-related questions, give general comments on the show, mention things that you’d like us to discuss, prank call us if you feel like it, praise us on what a great photography podcast we produce 🙂
Basically anything that you’d want to give some feedback on – The listener voicemail is back online.
How to use the voicemail line?
Easy. If you are US-based, click on the "Call Me" button on the sidebar and Google will connect you to our voicemail for free. If you’re not in the US (or if you are but prefer to call direct) dial +1 (415) 343 5030. Get this number on your contacts list…
We and all the audience are looking forward to listen to what you have to say.