Photo Critique – a new segment on PhotoNetCast

We are opening a new segment in PhotoNetCast where we’ll try to provide honest critiques to our listeners photos. If you have work you’d like critiqued, feel free to submit them.


It has happened to me several times that someone asks for a critique on a certain photo or portfolio, and I’m sure this has happened to everyone else here at PhotoNetCast. Getting other people’s opinions on your work is a great way to improve photographically: you get to know what others feel about your images without the emotional attachment that you have towards your own work. While I usually gladly share my thoughts, I feel that it would be good if more than one person could benefit from the photo critiques.

If you’ve listened to our episode 26 you know what I’m hinting at here. Basically, we are opening a new segment on PhotoNetCast in which we will critique a certain photo (or more, depending on time) submitted  by one of our listeners.

How will it work?

Basically, what we have planned is to release these segments as individual episodes intercalated with our regular episodes. Hopefully, these episodes will be shorter than usual, and if we have a good volume of contributions from the PhotoNetCast community, you’ll have something to listen from us every week (something that our listeners have been asking for some time).

We will provide honest critiques, looking at the good and the bad of your photos, and we’ll try to give suggestions on how they could be improved. Together with the release of the episodes, the photos in question will be published here on the blog so that all our listeners can follow the conversation. During these conversations, we’ll probably approach different topics regarding composition rules, exposure, depths of field, etc. so we believe this will provide value for everyone.

For now the theme is open, but it is possible that we will release certain topics for you to submit to in the future.

How to submit your photos?

If you have a photo (or more than one) that you’d like us to critique on the show, here is how you can send it to us:

Flickr – If you want your submissions to be seen by everyone (whether they end up in critique or not), the best way is just to add your work to our just-created PhotoNetCast group on Flickr.

Email – Alternatively you can send us an email at photonetcast _at_ (or use our contact form) with a link to wherever your photo is located on the web. If the photo is not published anywhere on the web, feel free to attach it in the email.

And that’s it.

Please note: By submitting your photos you accept that, if your photo is chosen to be critiqued, you give us permission to post it here on the blog in a low resolution format. The photo will be linked to its page on Flickr or wherever you have it on the web.

Anything else?

Nope. This is it. Besides any value you might take from it, we hope you’ll enjoy this new segment of PhotoNetCast, your photography podcast.

As always, any comments and ideas are very much appreciated.