It’s all about Books
Following our last episode about Inspiration in Photography, and since one of our major recommendations to boost your creativity was to look and study the work of other photographers, we decided to bring you a list of books that we can recommend.
Whether on the artistic side or going more into the technical perspective, we’re sure you will benefit from the list. Note that the list is by no means complete. There are many other books that are extremely good and our own collections are always growing, and we can’t stop emphasizing the importance of always using books to study the work of published photographers.
If you have any books that you can recommend, please feel free to post in the comments and share them with us and everyone else.
Also, more to the end of the show, Martin goes more into detail about his work and how he decided to go pro.
On a small side note, the show is being released one day after what was planned. I’m sorry for this.
Show Notes
Our list of recommended books
- Century: a History in Photographs, Bruce Bernard
- Icons of Jazz, Dave Gelly
- Night Vision: The Art of Urban Exploration, Troy Paiva (Brian’s review)
- Burning New York, James & Karla Murray
- Examples the Making of 40 Photographs, Ansel Adams
- Edge of the Earth Corner of the Sky, Art Wolf
- A Retrospective, Galen Rowell
- Snaps, Elliot Erwitt
- "In Wildness…", Eliot Porter
- The Photographer’s Handbook, John Hedgecoe
- Black & White Photography in the Digital Age, Tony Worobiec & Ray Spence
- Complete Digital Photography, Ben Long
- A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Black & White, John Clements
- Black & White : Architecture, Terry Hope
Selected from the Web:
- Jim: Capturing Creativity, via Graf Nature Photography
- Antonio: Photo Shoot in 180 seconds
- Brian: Faces of Beijing Photo Essay & Images of Beijing: food, faces and Yao by Kris Krug
- Martin: Top 10 Wedding Photographers 2008