Next guest, PNC Live and Facebook

David Nightingale joins us on the next show, which by the way will be broadcasted live.

Just a quick update to let you know what is going on behind the scenes here at PhotoNetCast HQ:

David Nightingale joins us on PNC 52


Yeap, that’s it. David Nightingale (@chromasia) will joins us for a conversation about his work, photographic career and most recent book on the next PhotoNetCast.

It’s always inspiring to hear what creative and successful people have to say, and I’m sure that with Dave it won’t be any different.

So, if you have any questions or comments for Dave, please make sure you send them our way either through the contact form or the voicemail line +1 (415) 343-5030 (a comment below will also do).

And this brings me to the second topic…


PhotoNetCast 52 live


PNC 52 will also mark our more serious first attempt at broadcasting the recording live (if the interwebs allow, of course). Some time ago we toyed with the idea of broadcasting the show live to allow our listeners to interact with our guests and participate in the discussion. As I mentioned this will be a complement to the audio version of the show and never meant to replace it.

Since we do not have a very fixed schedule for the recordings, and with all the different people participating I doubt that we’ll have one anytime soon, the recording schedule will be announced over twitter (@PhotoNetCast) a couple of days before. You’ll be able to watch and chat with us at our LIVE page.


PhotoNetCast is on Facebook


Finally, no? New page for the podcast on facebook. Some show news, some other photography-related news, and the recordings schedule on the events tab. “Like it”?


Photo credit: Audience by Stijn Bokhove