How do you listen to PhotoNetCast?

Help us out figuring out new ways to interact with our listeners by telling us how do you usually listen to PhotoNetCast.


Behind the scenes of the show we are always trying to know more about our listeners and figure out new ways for interaction. Of course that not all the listeners have the same equipments and it makes it hard for us to generalize and try to include new features that would only be available to a group of listeners and not to others.


So, help us out by dropping your vote on the poll.


  • How do you listen to PhotoNetCast
    View Results


    Thanks for your vote.

    Poll: Which filters do you use in your digital photography work?

    On the last episode of PhotoNetCast we discussed the utility of photography filters in the digital age. Now we want to know, what filters do you use in your digital work?


    On the last episode of PhotoNetCast we discussed the utility of photography filters in the digital age. We know that different uses and works require different filters and the style of the photographers also plays a big role in which filters to use. While shooting film probably requires a bigger and more diverse collection of filters, some filters can (should?) be used in digital work.

    So, here is our next poll…

    [poll id="5"]

    We’ve listed the more common categories of filters but there might be more. So, choose all the filters you use and if you use any other filters that are not listed, feel free to add an answer in the comments bellow.

    Thanks for your input.

    How long should PhotoNetCast’s episodes be? – Poll results

    Here are the results of the poll on which we’ve asked you How long should PhotoNetCast’s shows be. Thank you all.


    We understand that the length of the show is also time that you have to invest in listening to it. But it’s a very fine balance: on one hand we want to deliver the information in a clear and relaxed way without being restrained by time (something that from my experience in radio shows, for example, it’s not always possible) and on the other hand we don’t want to "steal" too much of your time.

    To help us define the correct length for each show, we asked you about it.

    And here are the results…










    What do we conclude from these data?

    Did I sound too much like the scientist in the headline? 🙂

    We are currently aiming for the duration of each show to be between the 45 and the 60 minute mark. It seems that about 70% of you agree with it.

    Sometimes, especially when we have guests on the show, it’s hard to cut the interviews, and this should actually be my job, but normally the conversation is flowing so well that we don’t even realize how much time we’re taking, but we’ll make an effort.

    In any case, we’d like to thank everyone who participated on the poll. We hope that the show doesn’t feel much like a sluggish block of wasted time on your mp3 player and that you keep looking forward for it every two weeks. We know we do.

    As always, if you have comments that could help us improve the show, use the comment section or contact us directly through the contact form. Any feedback is appreciated.