What’s your Level in Photography – The Results

The results of our poll “What’s your Level in Photography” are out.

For the past weeks we had open a poll in which we asked What’s your Level in Photography. As explained, we intended to see if the content we are providing in our podcasts is adequate to the audience that listens to the show.

Before going into the results, we’d like to express our thanks to all of you who voted. The participation was great…

So, from the 127 votes:

The biggest piece of the pie goes for the Serious Hobbyists (47%), followed by Enthusiasts, Semi-Pros, Beginners and Pros with 25%, 17%, 9% and 2%, respectively.

These results confirm our assumption of whom our listeners are and probably the biggest surprise was the low number of Professional photographers listening to the show… or maybe not.

In any case, thanks again for your participation.

In the next days episode #6 will be released (what a good discussion we had on this one). After that, a new poll will be open.

For now, share your thoughts about these results on the comments sections bellow. Is our content matching our audience or not really?

If you’re new around, don’t forget to point your podcatcher of choice to our feed to receive the latest episodes as soon as they come out.

See you on the other side of the microphone…

Listener Poll: What’s your level in Photography?

We would like to know a little more about our listeners. What is your level in Photography?

Here at PhotoNetCast we have been amazed at how good and welcome our show has been received. It’s extremely satisfying and motivating for us, and keeps us on track to bring you the show on time and with useful content.

But we would like to know a little more about the person on the other side of the line (you).

And so, we have the first PhotoNetCast listener poll up and waiting for your votes.

What is your level in Photography?

Are you a professional photographer? Maybe a serious hobbyist? Or are you just starting with photography?

The answers will provide us with some information and help us decide on what kind of discussions we’ll get you on the next episodes, as well as what kind of listener projects we can come up with for you to participate in.

So, please use the form bellow or on the sidebar to tell us a bit more about your level in photography…

We thank you for your effort.

[poll id=”2″]


P.S.: PhotoNetCast #4 is in the bag and it will be released on Monday, May 26. Great show this one, so don’t forget to come back and listen to it or subscribe to our feed so you get it as soon as it is out.