PhotoNetCast #21 – The Flickr/Getty Partnership

In this episode we discuss the Flickr-Getty Images partnership and what it means for photographers.

The Flickr/Getty Images Partnership

In July 2008 Flickr announced that they would start a partnership with Getty Images in order to ease the process of creating a Flickr Collection on Getty containing only images from Flickr users. This move, either by Flickr or Getty, generated quite a buzz in the stock photography world. On January 21, Flickr made a second announcement stating that invitations to Flickr users to start submitting the “chosen” images to Getty were being sent en masse.

What does this all mean to photographers, either pros or amateurs, and specially to those that are not so much into the photography business and want to get a foot on the door?

In this episode we try to approach the issues and look at the pros and cons of accepting such invitations.

Jim published on his blog his own view where he mentions that he is not going to accept the Flickr/Getty invitations. To provide some balance to the discussion, we have the pleasure of having as guest Dave Wilson, a serious amateur who wants to start monetizing his work and sees the Flickr/Getty invitations a good opportunity.

NOTE: While the show was being edited we got a reply from Getty mentioning that they would probably be interested in having someone on a future show. Let’s see where it leads and if we are able to having someone from inside addressing some of our questions.

We have a poll open asking whether you’ll take the Flickr Getty invitation if you get it. Don’t forget to vote.

And again, a big thanks to Dave for having joined us. You can also follow him on twitter.

For now, enjoy the show…


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Show Notes

Links mentioned

Discussion group on Flickr

FAQ on Flickr

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions: Getty Images Buys JupiterImages

Karma’s a (rhymes with witch)

There’s a sucker born every minute – Getty Images For Sale!

BusinessWeak – Amateur vs. Pros?

Getty Web Use (now discontinued)

Once You License Your Work with Creative Commons, the Cat’s Out of the Bag

Poll: Flickr/Getty Images – Would you accept the invitation?




The second round of invitations to Flickr users to participate in the Flickr Collection at Getty Images started earlier today. As usual with something like this, the buzz around the interwebs is immense, and heated opinions are popping out everywhere. Some Flickr users are more than excited about accepting the invitations to submit their images while others are more reluctant.

On our side here at PhotoNetCast, Jim already publically announced that he’s passing on the invite.

And what about you? Did you get an invite? If so, will you take the opportunity or not?

That’s our next poll…


  • Will you accept the Flickr/Getty Images invitation?
    View Results


    If you want to expand your answer, feel free to use the comments section.

    PhotoNetCast #12 – What’s the Future of Stock Photography?

    Following the shutdown of Photoshelter Collection, we discuss the future of stock photography.

    What’s the Future of Stock Photography?

    And it’s time for another dose of your audio photography. In the beginning of this episode Brian tells us more about his recent adventures on increasing hard disk space for his photos. It’s something that from time to time we all have to go through and Brian gives a few tips on how to avoid problems in the process.

    Due to the recent announcement that Photoshelter Collection will go offline on the next October 10 and Corbis reducing on employees, we decided to share a few thoughts on stock photography. Is the future just really microstock?

    And as always, our regular episode feature with another four great articles.

    Thanks to all our listeners…

    Enjoy the show.



    Show Notes

    Increasing hard drive space, Brian Auer style

    Some of the companies selling products make it easy to increase drive space and keep redundant backups:

    Future of Stock


    Selected from the Web